Magento 2: How to Add Custom Timer On Checkout Page.

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Custom Timer on the checkout page are used to show time about the products that are added to the shopping cart. When time expires then shopping cart clear.

Custom Timer On Checkout

Step 1: Create a “Registration.php” file inside the following path:


Now add the below code:

Step 2: Create a “module.xml” file inside the following path:


Now add the below code:

Step 3: Create a “checkout_index_index.xml” file inside the following path:


Now add the below code:

Step 4: Create a “custom_timer_sidebar.js” file inside the following path:


Now add the below code:

Step 5: Create a “timer_sidebar.html” file inside the following path:


Now add the below code:

Step 6: Create a “Index.php” file inside the following path:


Now add the below code:

Step 7: Create a “QuoteClear.php” file inside the following path:


Now add the below code:

Step 8: Create a “Data.php” file inside the following path:


Now add the below code:

Step 9: Create a “ConfigProvider.php” file inside the following path:


Now add the below code:

Step 10: Create a “SaveToQuote.php” file inside the following path:


Now add the below code:

Step 11: Create a “db_schema.xml” file inside the following path:


Now add the below code:

Step 12: Create a “events.xml” file inside the following path:


Now add the below code:

Step 13: Create a “extension_attributes.xml” file inside the following path:


Now add the below code:

To show configuration in admin

Step 14: Create a “config.xml” file inside the following path:


Now add the below code:

Step 15: Create a “system.xml” file inside the following path:


Now add the below code:


Step 16: Create a “di.xml” file inside the following path:


Now add the below code:

Step 17: Create a “routes.xml” file inside the following path:


Now add the below code:

Step 18:

Now run below Command:

sudo php bin/magento setup:upgrade

sudo php bin/magento setup:di:compile

sudo php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

sudo php bin/magento c:f





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