How to Create Custom Admin Grid

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In this blog we will learn how to create custom admin grid. Magento 2 grids are a way to list the items in a database table for better management. Grid allows us to sort, filter, edit and update data.

Before you begin: You should have a custom module, in that you need to create menu and other related files and folders.

If you want to create custom menu click here.

To register a frontend route, we must create a routes.xml file:

Step 1: Create routes.xml


The id attribute is a unique string which will identify this route.

The frontName attribute is also a unique string which will be shown on the url request.

Step 2: Create controller


All controllers have to contain a public execute method. It is called when accessing the controller. The storefront controllers are inherited from the \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action class.

After create controller we will create layout file.

Step 3: Create menu_post_index.xml


The layout file is an XML file which will define the page structure.

In this layout file, we declare an uiComponent for the content of this page. Basically with uiComponent, Magento allows us to create nice user interface for lists, forms etc. we need to create ui_component folder inside view/adminhtml folder.

Step 4: Create quote_listing.xml


In the ui_component folder, we will finally create the UI Grid and display customer data.

Step 5: Create di.xml


Declare resource in dependency injection file. Now we will create di.xml file which will connect to the Model to get the data for our grid.

The type is used for changing arguments of class or to pass new arguments to that class. Whereas virtualType is used to create a virtual sub-class (means we don’t have to create the .php file).

Step 6: Create UpgradeSchema.php


In this blog we use magento quote table, we need to index table for perform full text search in admin grid.

Step 7: Run command

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento setup:di:compile

php bin/magento cache:flush

Magento 2

You can download sample module for admin menu here.





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