How to Get data from database using Graph Ql in Magento 2

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What is a Graph Ql : –

Graph Ql is a query language and server-side runtime that was created back in 2012-2015 by Facebook.

Magento implements Graph Ql to provide an alternative to REST and SOAP web API for frontend development.

Its major aim is speeding up and boosting the API, their flexibility, and their effectiveness.

difference between REST, SOAP API, and Graph Ql lies in the capability of

Graph Ql to obtain clean-cut results in a single call as it needs only one endpoint

REST, on the other hand, normally requires more than one query-send to multiple endpoints in order to achieve the same results

(and most likely these results won’t be as precise as the ones provided by Graph Ql).

Graph Ql is also attractive as a query language due to its approach towards clients. By giving clients the data control, they

have the opportunity to determine what data should be received in the response.

To begin exploring Graph Ql, set the Graph Ql endpoint by entering

http:///graphql in the URL bar of your IDE or extension.

for get data from database using graph Ql need to follow below steps:-

Step1 – Create schema.graphqls file inside


and add below code

Step2 – Create Student.php file inside


and add below code

Now, Test in Postman


That’s it!!

If you have any query please comment





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