How to Create Custom Widget in Magento 2

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Widgets provides powerful feature that are used to adding static or dynamic content in any
store’s pages and blocks.

Widgets are reusable component and with configurable parameter you can use the same widget in different number of pages with different parameter value.

There are some by defaults widget magento provided.

CMS Page Link

CMS Static Block

Catalog Category Link

Catalog New Products List

Catalog Product Link

Catalog Products List

Orders and Returns

Recently Compared Products

Recently Viewed Products

First of all, creating for custom widget we need to create simple module
Here I will be using the Bluethinkinc_CustomWidget as my module.

Create theregistration.php file in the app/code/Bluethinkinc/CustomWidget folder.

Now, for declaring a widget we need to create widget.xml file in the app/code/Bluethinkinc/ CustomWidget/etc folder.

Here in the widget,

class – name of the widget class

description- contains a concise explanation of the widget’s purpose

label – name of the widget which will be display in the widget list.

parameter – The parameter node allows you to add different parameters like text,select,multiselect,block.

id- custom Id of widget It should be unique.

Now we need to create a block file for the widget as defined in widget.xml. So create the CustomWidget.php file in the app/code/Bluethinkinc/ CustomWidget/Block/Widget folder.

In the above file, $_template is used to set the template for the widget.

We have set the $_template value to “widget/customwidget.phtml”. So it will search for the customwidget.phtml file in the app/code/Bluethinkinc/ CustomWidget/view/frontend/templates/widget folder.

Now, we have to create customWidget.phtml file in the

app/code/Bluethinkinc/ CustomWidget/view/frontend/templates/widget folder.

That’s it !!!

Now,After clearing the cache, the new widget My New Custom Widget
should be available.



I hope this blog is easy to understand about how to create custom widget in Magento 2.





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