Application Insights

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WHAT IS Microsoft Application Insights

  • Application Insights is an application performance management service for web applications that enables you to do all the monitoring of your website performance in Azure
  • It also has a powerful analytic tool that helps you diagnose issues and gain an understanding of how people are using your web application
  • You can set up periodic web tests that will allow you to send requests to the web server to ensure that it’s responding properly and that the website is working the way it’s supposed to
  • Some of the things you can track or collect are:
    • What are the most popular webpages in your application, at what time of day and where is that traffic coming from?
    • Dependency rates or response times and failure rates to find out if there’s an external service that’s causing performance issues on your app, maybe a user is using a portal to get through to your application and there are response time issues going through there for instance.
    • Exceptions for both server and browser information, as well as page views and load performance from the end users’ side.
    • Session info – who, what, when, where.
    • Performance and host diagnostics – giving you a complete picture of what’s happening in your application
    • Trace logs for correlating trace events with requests to help you get a deeper insight into the data and dig deeper into the diagnostics to improve performance.

Features & Benefits

1. Live Metrics: observe activity from your deployed application in real time with no effect on the host environment.

2. Availability: also known as “Synthetic Transaction Monitoring”, probe your applications external endpoint(s) to test the overall availability and responsiveness over time.

3. GitHub or Azure DevOps integration: create GitHub or Azure DevOps work items in context of Application Insights data.

4. Usage: understand which features are popular with users and how users interact and use your application.

5. Failure Detection: Failure Detection helps to know when your application fails as well as the cause of failure so you can act and troubleshoot easily.

6. Smart Detection: automatic failure and anomaly detection through proactive telemetry analysis.

7. Distributed Tracing: allows searching for and visualizing an end-to-end flow of a given execution or transaction

8. Application Map: allows a high level top-down view of the application architecture and at-a-glance visual references to component health and responsiveness.


  • Install the latest version of Visual Studio 2019 for Windows with the following workloads:
    • ASP.NET and web development
    • Azure development
  • To access Application Insights Connector information, you must have an Azure subscription
  • You must have at least one configured Application Insights resource.
  • You must be the owner or contributor of the Application Insights resource.

Application Insights Process of Implementation


Application insights


Application insights Dashboards






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