Magento 2 How to Create Custom Tab In Admin Configuration through System.xml

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To create Custom Tab In Admin Configuration module, you need to complete the following steps:

Basic Setup :Step 1 : Create the folder of CustomTab module

Step 2 : Create etc/module.xml file

Step 3 : Create etc/registration.php file

Step 4 : Enable the module

Steps to follow :Step 1 : Create etc/module.xml file.

Then, it is necessary to create etc folder and add the module.xml file


Step 2 : Create etc/registration.php file

In this step, we will add registration.php as following guide:


Step 3 : Enable the module

Finish the step 3, we have already created the HelloWorld module. And we will enable this module in this step

After create the module if you run the command as:

php bin/magento module:status

You should see the module is disable now:

List of disabled modules: BlueThink_CustomTab

enable the module right now, let run the command as:

php bin/magento module:enable BlueThink_CustomTab

After Enable Module Then Run this Command


Step 4 : Create system.xml File


Step 5 : Set default value

Each field in system.xml after create will not have any value. When you call them, you will receive ‘null’ result. So for the module, we will need to set the default value for the field and you will call the value without go to config, set value and save it. This default value will be saved in config.xml which is located in etc folder. Let’s create it for this simple configuration:


You can put the path to the field in the <default> element to set value default for it. The format is:

Step 6: Flush Magento Cache

Now, please refresh your cache and see the result:

custom tab





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