How to Create Web REST API in Magento 2

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In this blog we learn about How to Create Custom Rest API in Magento2. Using API you can speed up getting, sending and processing data of any e commerce store. Magento API is a framework that provides developers with web services which communicate well with the Magento system and it also provides the ability to manage ecommerce stores effectively.

Before you begin: You should have a custom module, in that you need to create webapi and other related files and folders

Create webapi.xml at app/code/VenderName/ModuleName/etc/webapi.xml with the below code:

request-type: HTTP – defines several methods that indicates the desired action to be performed on a resource. Most commonly are: GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, but there are several others.

So {{request-type}} can be replace with GET/POST/PUT/DELETE.

{{endpoint}}: This is the endpoint that will be use in URI

Service Class: This class should be interface. In this specify what methods a class should implement. You need to define all the API methods that you want to expose to the web in the interface. All the methods should have a doc-block. If your method expects parameters than all the parameters must be defined in the doc-block as @params {{type}} {{param}} {{description}}. Return type of the method must be defined as @return {{type}} {{description}}

request-method-name: this is the specific method which will be called by the endpoint.

Resource-id: the resource tag defines the access control these can be several level of access:

  • Admin: for admin level access you need to define admin resource in the resource tag.
  • Customer: for customer level access you need to set self in the resource.
  • Guest: for guest level resources you need to define anonymous in the resource tag.
  • In the case if you have any resource id for specific access control, you have to simply put that resource id like as Magento_Catalog::catalog

Create di.xml at app/code/VenderName/ModuleName/etc/di.xml with the below code:

Here VenderName/ModuleName\Model\Api\Custom.php is implements customInterface class by using Magento 2 prefrence node.

Create CustomInterface.php in path VenderName/ModuleName/CustomApi/Api/CustomInterface.php

Create Custom.php in path app/code/VendorName/ModuleName/Model/Api/Custom.php

For the demonstration here we’ll going to create a custom RestAPI to add product in Magento2

Before you begin create a module Bluethink_CustomApi in app/code/

Let’s start: Please follow the below steps:

Step1: Create webapi.xml at app/code/Bluethink/CustomApi/etc/webapi.xml with the below code:

Step2: Create di.xml at app/code/Bluethink/CustomApi/etc/di.xml with the below code:

Step3: Create ProductManagementInterface.php in path app/code/Bluethink/CustomApi/Api/ProductManagementInterface.php

Step4: Create ProductManagement.php in path app/code/Bluethink/CustomApi/Model/Api/ProductManagement .php

Now test api in postman

In the resource node we are giving ‘admin’ so we need a admin authorization token to access the API To get the admin token in Magneto select POST http request and write {{base-url}}/rest/all/V1/integration/admin/token in the url In body param send username and password, finally you will get a bearer token something like below:


installed apache2 on ubantu

Now again select POST http request and write {{base-url}}/rest/V1/addproduct

In Authorization section select Bearer Token and paste here bearer token.

installed apache2 on ubantu

Send payload

You will get Response like below:


installed apache2 on ubantu




One Reply to “How to Create Web REST API in Magento 2”

  • Avatar
    Aakash Mishra

    It was helpful for me.

    2022-07-12 at 10:09 pm Reply

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