How to download and use the Upgrade Compatibility Tool

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Whenever we want to upgrade Magento Store then we need to find out how many errors can be occured in upgraded version.

Upgrade Compatibility Tool is a tool to find out errors, warnings and critical error in Magento2. It has feature to see error in deiffrent formate like json and html.

Adobe recommend to install this tool in current project but we can install it anywhere we want.


php 7.4 or later

Adobe commerce(Enterprise Edition) access keys

To get started with the Upgrade Compatibility Tool in a command-line interface, download it by running the following command on root:

$ composer create-project magento/upgrade-compatibility-tool uct –repository

username: public_key

password: private_key

check auth.json in project root for public_key and private_key

after install Upgrade Compatibility Tool (UCT )


$ chmod +x ./uct/bin/uct

//You may need to give the tool executable permissions with the chmod command

$ cd uct

Command runs the Upgrade Compatibility Tool by analyzing all modules installed in it: analyses errors, warnings and critical errors in instance.

Check for a detailed list of Upgrade Compatibility Tool errors.

$ bin/uct upgrade:check /var/www/html/[magento-dir] -c 2.4.5

To analyse a certain module run below command by using -m option

$ bin/uct upgrade:check /var/www/html/[magento-dir] -m /var/www/html/[magento-dir]/[module-path]

To get only critical errors and when you want only new issues that are introduced with the update from your current version to the targeted version in your Upgrade Compatibility Tool report:

$ bin/uct upgrade:check –ignore-current-version-compatibility-issues

For More understanding and refrence :





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