How to Configure Ngrok on ubuntu

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Ngrok allows you to expose a web server running on your local machine to the internet by simply specifying the port your web server is listening on.

Please follow the steps to configure:

Step 1: Create an account on the ngrok and verify your email.

Click Here to login to the ngrok dashboard. The landing page will
be looks like below screenshot:


Now here we can see the setup & installation guid on different OS. Here we’re going to demonstrate to setup on linux OS.

Step 2: Install ngrok in linux by commands

$ sudo snap install ngrok

$ ngrok –version

Step 3: Configure auth token to ngrok in linux $ ngrok config add-authtoken


Step 4: Configure defualt apche .conf to point to our magento project

In linux default conf file will be locate at /etc/apache2/sites enabled/000-default.conf.

Change setting as below —-

once this is done , make sure your project is running for

Step 5 : Get Ngrok url

$ ngrok http 80


Web interface: This URL shows all requests coming from ngrok url.

Forwarding URL (https url ) will point to our local Magento anywhere in the world!!

Copy the forwarding URL:
from your terminal.

Now, update the value of the “web/unsecure/base_url” config path in
the core_config_data table with forwarding URL. /

Tip: The ngrok url will change once you restart the ngrok or run the

: $ ngrok http 80


Vikas Mishra

Vikas Mishra



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