How to add custom less file in Magento2

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Source files *.css included into layout files are compiled from *.less files. For example, let’s check any layout file of blank theme, the following .css files are inclued in the head:

The root source files for the Blank theme:




So, to add our custom.less file, we have to include custom.css, which is the compiled from .less file, in the layout file as shown below:

And create custom.less file on path /web/css/custom.css:

Now run below commands:

– Remove existing page cache and view preprocessed to apply less

rm -rf var/cache/* var/page_cache/* generated/code/* generated/metadata/* var/view_preprocessed/* pub/static/frontend/*

– Deploy static content php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

– Flush the cache by running php bin/magento cache:flush

The source “css/custom.css” file is compiled from “css/custom.less” file.

Read More About Less Compilation Mode:

Vikas Mishra

Vikas Mishra



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