How to add a new section to the Magento 2 admin sales order view

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The Sales Order View is a page in the Magento admin panel that displays all the information related to a specific sales order. This page provides a detailed overview of the order, including customer information, order status, shipping and billing addresses, payment method, order items, prices, discounts, and taxes. Learn how to add sections to the Magento 2 sale order view page in this article. Depending on the goals of each individual, each component will have a unique custom function. A module called “Bluethinkinc_CustomSection” contains code.

1. Add a button

We’ll start by learning how to include a top button in the order view.

A plugin that targets “beforeSetLayout” is used first. As demonstrated below, add the following “type” node to your module’s “app/code/Bluethinkinc/CustomSection/etc/adminhtml/di.xml” file.

Step 2: Define button attributes

To add a button and its attributes, create a button class.

Add the subsequent code to the “app/code/Bluethinkinc/CustomSection/Plugin/Sales/Block/Adminhtml/Order/Button.php

Here, we’ve defined a button that, when pressed by the user, sends a signal via its own ID, name, and route


View an order from the backend and clear the layout cache. The “Custom Button” button element has been made, as you can see:


2. Add a custom tab

To add a custom tab on the Sales Order View page in Magento 2, you can follow these steps:

The sales order view.xml file will be first created with the following content and placed in the app/code/Bluethinkinc/view/adminhtml/layout directory.

We created a new tab on the left-hand menu in this file, complete with a name and the block class that is in charge of it.

Step 2: Define block class

We’ll build a class called CustomTab inside app/code/Bluethinkinc/CustomSection/Block/Admin/Order/View/Tab:

In order to add information to the custom tab, we will finally create the template file.

The left panel now includes our new tab, as shown below:


3. Add a custom block to order view information

Step 1 : Define a custom block in the layout XML in step 1.

The sales order view.xml file in the app/code/Bluethinkinc/CustomSection/view/adminhtml/layout directory must first have the following code included.

The order block for the Additional Information will contain our custom block.

Step 2: Define block class

The View.php file will then be created and placed in the location app/code/Bluethinkinc/CustomSection/Block/Adminhtml/Order/View.

Step 3: Define view template

The block’s content is then created in the view.phtml file, which is the last step.

When you click to view any order after clearing the cache, you will see that 1 block has been inserted as the red cavity below.


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