Hide Prices for Not logged in user for specific categories

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Magento has an out of box feature to hide price in Adobe Commerce version (Enterprise Edition). Navigate to Catalog > Categories. Open the desired category. Scroll down to reveal the “Category Permissions” tab like below screenshot.


Create permission rule following below steps:

Step1: Click on the New Permissions Button, permissions option fields look like below screenshot.


Step2: Select the Customer Group, Browsing Category, Display Product Prices and Add To cart according to the requirement.


Step3: Last step, save the configuration and flush full-page cache.

The price will hide and denied add to cart for guest user as per set the rule.

Community Edition:

We need to do some customization on code level to achieve this task in community edition.

Step1: create store configuration to configure category id for those need to hide price.


Step2: Override the function: Magento\Catalog\Pricing\Render\FinalPriceBox:: wrapResult($html)

Step2.1: create Bluethink/Catalog/etc/di.xml

Step2.2: create file Bluethink\Catalog\Pricing\Render\FinalPriceBox.php

Step3: Run the below commands

sudo php bin/magento s:d:c

sudo php bin/magento c:f

Vikas Mishra

Vikas Mishra



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