How to Add Custom dropdown type Attribute in Category Form in Magento 2

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In this blog post, we will learn how to create a custom dropdown attribute using data Patch in Magento 2. By following the steps outlined below, we can easily add any type of attribute, such as text or dropdown, in the category form.

Step 1: Module Creation

First, create a module by following these steps:

Create a file named module.xml under the directory app/code/Bluethinkinc/CustomCategory/etc with the following content.

Step 2: Register the Module

Create a registration.php file to register your module with the following content.

Step:3 Create a Data Patch

Create a Data Patch to create your custom attribute with the below content under following file path

Bluethinkinc\CustomCategory\Setup\Patch\Data\ AddCustomCategoryAttribute.php

Step 4: Create Custom Options

Create a file named CustomOptions.php under the directory Bluethinkinc\CustomCategory\Model\Config\Source with the following content, This file is responsible for the options which you want to show in your category form dropdown attribute.

Step:5 Finally, Create category_form.xml under

Bluethinkinc\CustomCategory\view\adminhtml\ui_component directory.

Now you need to run the necessary commands and you can successfully add a custom dropdown attribute in the category form in Magento 2.


Amit Soam

Amit Soam



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